Bob - The other sitcom starring Bob Newhart, featuring Betty White
That Was a Show?May 15, 2023x
01:23:41115.86 MB

Bob - The other sitcom starring Bob Newhart, featuring Betty White

Bob WAS a show. After successful runs on both The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart, Bob Newhart brought his famous stammering deadpan stylings to a third sitcom… but uh, this one, it was, it uh, it was just called…well, it uh, it was called Bob. So in this show Bob Newhart plays Bob McKay, an artist who created a comic book called Mad-Dog 20 years ago, but now works for a greeting card company. Suddenly a publisher comes knocking with a plan to bring back Mad-Dog, but with an edgy 90s spin! Bob ditches his greeting card job and chases his dream! —until a second two retooling when the comic publisher gets shut down and Bob gets asked to take over the greeting card company by its owner…Betty White!

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Aaron Yeger @aaronyeger

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