BadAptation Series: Baby Talk - starring Tony Danza and George Clooney, based on Look Who’s Talking
That Was a Show?June 23, 2022x
01:17:21107.1 MB

BadAptation Series: Baby Talk - starring Tony Danza and George Clooney, based on Look Who’s Talking

Baby Talk WAS a show. She’s a single mother looking for love; he’s a baby whose thoughts we can hear. That’s uh, that’s pretty much it. It’s Baby Talk! Join Brynn, Aaron and Barry, as they try to goo-goo gah-gah their way through this 90s dud that also featured the glorious hair of George Clooney.

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Hosted by:

Brynn Byrne @brynnabyrne

Aaron Yeger @aaronyeger

Andrew “Barry” Helmer @andrewhelmer

Podcast logo and artwork by Brian Walker @briguywalker